Registration is now available
Early fees
(until March 15th)
Regular fee: 750 €
* Student fee: 500 €
Regular fees
(from March 16th)
Regular fee: 900 €
* Student fee: 700 €
Optional Banquet
75 € / Per person
Optional Proceedings
100 € / Per article
* Student fee applies also to retired/emeritus researchers. To benefit from this category a copy of your status certificate or ID card must be emailed to
IMPORTANT Mention: All presenters authors must be registered no later than May 1st. (Otherwise your contribution may be taken out of the final program.)
Basic registration package will include:
- Scientific presentations (plenaries, keynotes, and all parallel sessions)
- Coffee breaks (Twice daily)
- Lunch (From Tuesday to Friday)
- Poster session with standing cocktail/dinner (On Tuesday)
- Welcome reception (On Monday)
- Conference bag (Badge and pocket program.)
- Poster printing (For poster presenters)
Optional additional items include
- Banquet dinner (On Thursday) For an extra cost of +75€.
- Proceedings article processing fees (open access) For an extra cost of +100€/article.
Special registration for accompanying persons will be available and announced shortly.